We have our first 'Summer Sale' going on right now! We have a few frames in stock that we are selling 'as is' at a discounted price. You can view the frames in our facebook photo album here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.363796706997665.79649.314831501894186&type=1 (you don't have to have a facebook account to view the photos). If you are interested in buying one of our frames, just send us an email to hallwallframes@gmail.com. These frames are amazingly cute!
I'm also excited to show our BRAND NEW design, it's called the 'Kimi'. Named after a super cute and awesome little sister. =) We are now offering this new design in ANY of our regular OR custom sizes. Hope you love it! Here is a picture of a 16x20 and an 8x10 in our 'Kimi' design.